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Featuring some of the Best Practices in eLearning

Comics/Job Aids 

These projects satisfy competencies: #1, 2, 3, 5, and 9.

1. Adopt a reflective-practice stance to your work.

2. Conduct a needs assessment for learning or performance interventions.

3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning.

5. Use tools and apply message-design principles to develop products and resources to support learning and performance.

9. Manage a development or related project.


Designing comic pages is a lot of fun! These projects made me focus on what I needed to say and incorporate elements that really count. I needed to think about my viewers/learners and what would make sense to them while displaying stories about my life.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Comic Life, MS Word, PowerPoint, Voki, Wordle.

R U Lost Link
Smart Board Basics Link
SmartBoard Video Image

Online Video

These projects satisfy competencies: #3, 4, and 5.

3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning.
4. Accommodate the needs of diverse learners through media and technology.
5. Use tools and apply message-design principles to develop products and resources to support learning and performance.

Creating a Pecha Kucha video for YouTube was a challenge! It is much harder than you think to produce and present 20 slides for 20 seconds each. The design is critical as is the timing and narration. Adding music complicated the project more. It was exciting to see it all come together!

The SmartBoard is a fascinating piece of equipment that is very under-utilized in many locations. I learned as I created videos for online instruction that it can do so many creative and engaging things for students.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Premier,  Soundbooth CS5, Audacity, MS Word, TechSmith Jing, Windows Live Movie Maker, Media Audio/Video, YouTube.

Project Management and Graphic Novel
These projects satisfy competencies: #1, 2, 3, 8, and 9.

1. Adopt a reflective-practice stance to your work.
2. Conduct a needs assessment for learning or performance interventions.

3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning.

8. Utilize research methods to investigate a learning, organizational, or performance problem.

9. Manage a development or related project.

Part of the class's projects were performed as a group and the last project was an individual one. I learned as much about working with the group as I did about project management; all great knowledge and skills to have in my toolbox. The Comic book was a job-aid created for another course, but used the basics of project management as the material. The images were drawn on the iPad with a stylus and colored, captured, and brought into the comic software for production. I enjoyed the creative side of this project very much!

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Apple iPad and drawing stylus, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Comic Life,  MS Word, Excel, Projects.

Fascinating Jellyfish Blog Image
Travel with the Tovsen's Website image

Web Design


These projects satisfy competencies: #2Conduct a needs assessment for learning or performance interventions.

The first image links you to a simple website build for a sample blog. Here I explored html and some Cascading Styles Sheets. The second image links to another website with more content and explored different navigation methods. It is always a good plan to do a needs assessment to determine what the end user of a product needs to learn. The product needs to fill a gap in the learning.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop, MS Word, html coding and Cascading Style Sheets.

Top Ten Screencast Image
Knock-Knock Jokes Slideshare Image
Cyndee Screen Capture Image

Standalone Presentations
Note: To access leftmost (Screencast) project media, click the image. At the website, click the link "Download this media". Choose the"Open" option to open in Adobe Reader.

These projects satisfy competencies: #3 and 4.

3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning.

4. Accommodate the needs of diverse learners through media and technology.

The left project is an MS Office PowerPoint and Adobe Connect presentation. The middle project is a presentation online about Knock-Knock jokes using SlideShare. The right project is an example of a computer  screencast, showing you what I am watching and doing on the computer as a presentation using Jing screen capture.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Presenter, Soundbooth CS5, Audacity, MS Word, PowerPoint, TechSmith Jing, Media Audio/Video.

Websites credits: YouTube, Brainy Quotes, The Future of TV, ~cynthiak~'s Flickr, and Hallmark Cards.

Design Sketch Image
SUCCESs stories Link
Design Lessons Learned Design Doc Image

Design Message

This project satisfies competencies: #1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 9.

1. Adopt a reflective-practice stance to your work.
2. Conduct a needs assessment for learning or performance interventions.
3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning.
5. Use tools and apply message-design principles to develop products and resources to support learning and performance.
9. Manage a development or related project.

Thanks to my co-worker and peer, Jo Thomas for posing for a photo with the bubblegum! I drew the sketch and then "PhotoShopped" her black eye and wording on the image. It was a great project to think about delivering a concise message in one image.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop, and MS Word,.

TelemetryWeb Logo image
TelemetryWeb Vue image
TelemetryWeb University Image
Captivate TelemetryWeb Screen 2-2 Image
Make Belief Comics Image
TelemetryWeb Wordle Image
TelemetryWeb Online Course PM Report
Sensor Stories Animation
TelemetryWeb Advance Organizer Image

Online Web Course and Components

This educational online web course satisfies competencies: #2, 3,  and 7

2. Conduct a needs assessment for learning or performance interventions.

3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning. 

7. Assess student/participant learning.

The TelemetryWeb educational site is very complex and I learned a great deal about course design and about sensors. There are many components in this course and two semesters of planning went into the entire ADDIE process of instructional design to create the website.  It was a great experience to create this project and I used many new tools.

Images: #1 shows planning for the website color scheme and logo. #2 depicts a big-picture thinking and planning using a spider-type diagram or mind-map. #3 is the actual website. #4 is an animated story about sensors. #5 is the course project management report. #6 shows an advance planner used between course segments to show where you are in the course. #7 is a screenshot from a Captivate entry form used for inputing information about sensors. #8 shows a comic created as an ice-breaker for the course unit. #9 is a Wordle image created using words specific to this project.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Premier, Presenter, Soundbooth CS5, Audacity,  Comic Life,   MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Projects, Roxio, TechSmith Jing, VoiceThread, Voki, Wordle, Windows Live Movie Maker, Media Audio/Video, XtraNormal, YouTube.

Moodle Course Online Banner
SmartBoard Recordings image
SmartBoard Knowledge Crossword Puzzle
SmartBoard Prezi
SmartBoard Design Document Image

Online Curriculum with a Learning Management System (LMS)

​Cyndee's Online Teaching and Assessment Philosophy and FAQs (doc)



These projects satisfy competencies: #3, 6, 7, 8.

3. Applying theory and best practices, conduct an analysis of learners, content and context for instruction, and design activities and experiences for learning.

6. Implement and evaluate effectiveness of programs, products, or practices.

7. Assess student/participant learning.

8. Utilize research methods to investigate a learning, organizational, or performance problem.

"Are You Smarter than a Smart Board" course curriculum project was created in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). It's design is an example of backwards planning to accomplish learning. One the first line, three links are pieces from the online courseware. The first image takes you to the actual course. The second is one of the audio podcasts from the course, and the third is a crossword puzzle which is a fun self-quiz for students to test their learning about SmartBoards and their terminology. On the second line, there is a link to a Prezi presentation online where we are giving an overview to the course. The other link takes you to the design document for the course.

Professional and web resources used: Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Premier, Presenter, Soundbooth CS5, Audacity,  Comic Life,  Crossword Puzzle Maker, KWL Chart, MS Word, Excel,  Roxio, TechSmith Jing, SmartBoard, Smart Board Notebook and Tools, VoiceThread, Voki, Windows Live Movie Maker, Media Audio/Video, YouTube.

Here are a few of my projects that satisfy the University of Colorado - Denver, School of Education and
Human Development, Information and Learning Technology program, eLearning Design and Implementation
focus compentencies. Click each image   to see more or to access the link to the project.

Golden Link
Hi! It's Cyndee Link

Online Podcast and Voicethreads
This project satisfies competencies: #4 and 5.

4. Accommodate the needs of diverse learners through media and technology.

5. Use tools and apply message-design principles to develop products and resources to support learning and performance.

I learned a lot about podcasting and screencasting. It was so much fun to apply different software applications to my voice and video and to be able to edit the recordings. I am amazed at all the resources available on the web as a ameteur or professional creator.

Professional and web resources used:  Adobe Soundbooth CS5, Audacity,  MS Word, VoiceThread, and Windows Media Audio/Video.

About Me Link

I'm a title

Moments Link
Moments with Music Links Image


Gantt Chart Image
Team Agreement image
Graphic Novel Link

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